About two weeks ago I got a close up look at the front of a moving truck. It is alleged that a truck driver didn’t stop for a red light and that he didn’t hold the proper DZ license for the truck, instead only holding a G license. I was told by police that he was given over $700 in tickets.
I had a brief visit to Credit Valley Hospital. Two weeks later I still have aches and pains but seem to be on the mend. Thank you to those that heard about the accident through the grapevine and called or emailed with best wishes. The first few days after the crash were a bit rough. I spent most of that time on the couch chewing Tylenol 3.
Last night was my first shift back. It was pretty quiet except for the guy who took a baseball bat to the head on King West. I caught a shot of him as he arrived at St. Mike’s and headed over to the scene after that.
I want to wish everyone at CBC Toronto News the best of luck. Today is the first day for the new 90 minute newscast from 5pm until 6:30pm. It will essentially be three half hours newscasts, so if you can’t catch the early start tune in at 6pm for all the latest news of the day.
Aka: T-Pain
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