Friday, March 26, 2010

Air Ambulance Lands on QEW

A 39 year old man is dead this morning after he ran into the back of a stopped tanker truck on the QEW east bound just east of Winston Churchill. Both east and westbound lanes were closed so air ambulance could land on the highway. Sadly they left without the victim after he was pronounced dead on the scene.

The helicopter came into contact with wires on takeoff. I captured it on video but didn't notice it at the time. Bert from City-TV saw it clearly and said we almost became a Youtube video. It wasn't until later that I realized I had a brush with danger. They will inspect the helicopter later today.

The truck was stopped for emergency maintenance on the right shoulder. The car was destroyed. The east bound QEW remained closed for accident reconstruction. Traffic was diverted onto Hwy 403 up toward the 401 causing traffic nightmares for the morning commute into the city.

All of this after a very quiet Thursday night shift. So this added some overtime onto my shift. I'm home now enjoying my wife's company and the weekend.

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