I'm mentioned in the surveillance logs made by Toronto Police during the Mayor Rob Ford investigation.
Jeremy from Global News and I sat close to the Mayor's house waiting for his SUV to return. When the SUV arrived and saw us the driver left and I followed in a low speed pursuit through neighbouring streets.
I didn't know who was driving until today but at one point the SUV did a u-turn and came right toward my van with high beams on. It stopped inches away from my front bumper. For what seemed like forever I just say there and stared into the light, at one point lowering my visor and turning on my high beams too.
It seems Lisi was driving that night and called Toronto Police. My vehicle is mentioned on page 289 of the documents.
This was the same night Ford made news with his intoxicated visit to Taste of the Danforth.
I talked to Mayor Ford that night when he went to the corner store for munchies. He said, "I'm a big guy. I'm always big news."
Toronto Police confirmed today they have the Rob Ford video alleged to show him a smoking crack. It was recovered from an electronic device hard drive. It had been deleted but was recovered by Toronto Police Forensic Investigators.
As a side note they also have images recorded from a surveillance airplane. They show Ford meeting accused drug dealer Lisi and the Mayor urinating on a tree.