Saturday, October 22, 2011

Wilson Heights 3 Alarm Fire

Crazy 5am blaze that was burning out of control when I arrived. It was a three storey building that had been under construction, on and off for years, prior to the fire.

Area residents say it was being turned into a small multi unit apartment building or condo.

You could see the fire from Hwy 427 to the west and the DVP to the east, as it kit up the early morning sky.

I live covering exciting fires like this. Luckily I was only a couple of highway exits away when it started.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Tragic Friday

I started off my shift when I found myself very close to a double shooting in Etobicoke. I was first on scene and got both victims. One later died in hospital.

I squeezed an ETF call in and then finished my shift at King and Spadina. A young man lay dead, crushed under the wheels of a garbage truck. His skateboard, snapped in half, lay next to his lifeless body.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Speed Kills

I was first on scene of this horrific crash last night at Kennedy and Finch. Police say the driver was racing another vehicle and crashed. The car was split in half and the driver was trapped when I arrived.

He was cut out by Toronto Fire but did not survive.